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How to insert data in SQL Insert | insert into sql: 3 diff ways to insert

insert into statement in sql 1

What is the INSERT INTO Statement?

SQL Insert | insert into sql INSERT is the Data manipulation DML Command that is used to add new records in the database tables.

insert into sql | SQL Insert statement SQL Structured Query Language is the heart of a database management system that permits us to interact with databases using DDL DML and DCL commands.

user can manipulate the data using different SQL statements.

INSERT INTO is one of the main fundamental commands used to store data in tables.

SQL Insert | insert into sql


Insert Into Statement is the main statement of SQL which is used to add a new records or data into tables.

We know that tables containing data is called collections of information, but to store this information in a table we need to insert this information into table by using the Insert into statement.

We can insert data into tables in many ways, like from tables, from Excel, manually, from text, etc. We can insert data into tables from many sources.
In this article, we will discuss details about the INSERT INTO Statement in SQL.

What is the INSERT INTO Statement?

The INSERT INTO statement in SQL is used to insert new rows or records into a given database tables.
This statement provides a way to add data into to a database
Each column of the table should have a specific value provided in the INSERT INTO statement. INSERT statement will allows to insert data as per table structure
if there is primary key for specific column that column will not accept duplicate value while inserting so make sure to insert unique values in primary key column while inserting data into table.


INSERT INTO table_name (col1, col2, col3, ...col.N)
VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...ValueN);

table_name: is the name of the table where have to insert data.
(column1, column2, column3, …): The list of columns where data to be inserted.
VALUES (value1, value2, value3, …): The specific values to be inserted into the specified columns.

INSERT INTO Statement Examples

Let’s see how practically INSERT INTO Statement works

Example 1: Insert a Single Row

Suppose we have a table named “Employees” with columns: EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, and Salary.
To insert a new employee record, the SQL statement would look like this:

INSERT INTO dbo.EmpMaster(ID ,Name,Email,Salary,DOB,Mobile,Tel,Address)

 VALUES('502','JOY ROBO','','4257','029-aug-1982','9860587452','244574','Mumbai')

above query inserts a single row into the “EmpMaster” table with the specified values.

Operators in SQL

Example 2: Insert Multiple Rows

You can also insert multiple rows in a single INSERT INTO statement by specifying multiple sets of values like this:

INSERT INTO dbo.EmpMaster (ID ,Name,Email,Salary,DOB,Mobile,Tel,Address)

 VALUES ('503','smit yaK','','65478','17-sep-1992','7894561235','845664','Delhi'),

       ('504','MICHEL JACK','','8754','2-aug-1912','6974512365','665544','Kalkatta'),

      ('505','TATA SJY','','33547','22-jan-1865','6887412365','854644','ujjain')

above query inserts three new rows into the “EmpMaster” table in a single operation.

SQL Insert | insert into sql

INSERT Data Only in Specified Columns

we can insert data into specific column to insert data into specified columns you need to specify the name of columns where you want insert data.

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the below SQL statement will insert a new record, but only insert data in the “ID”, “Name”, “Mobile”, and “Address” columns

   INSERT INTO dbo.EmpMaster (ID ,Name,Mobile,Address)

 VALUES ('506','Gercy','8885554447','Bihar')
insert data in specific columns
insert data in specific columns

How to Insert Table data into another table


You can insert data fro another table , suppose you have toinsert records frmo EmpMAster table into another table Employee then you can use” insert into select ” statement
in another way you can insert specific column from some table and add into some another table

Suppose you have to insert 4 columns from EmpMaster Table and insert it into Employee table then you can write SQL statement like below.

Insert into Employee (EmployeeID,EmployeeName,EmployeeEmail,EmployeeDOB)

 select ID, Name,Email,DOB from EmpMaster
insert data in specific columns
insert data into specific columns

if you have same two tables means both the table have same column in same order then you can copy one table data to second table data by using insert into select statement

Insert into Table2 select * from Table1

Keeps in minds while inserting data

Column Order: Ensure that the order of columns inside the INSERT INTO announcement suits the order of columns within the table This is specially crucial while placing statistics into specific columns.

Data Types: Ensure that you are inserting the data as per the column data type if the data type of column is integer and you are inserting characters in that field it will show error.

Primary Keys: If the desk has a primary key constraint, make sure which you do not insert replica number one key values, as this will violate statistics integrity.

make sure to insert unique values in table when the column has primary key it will not accept duplicate values in column.

Transactions: Consider using transactions whilst inserting a couple of rows.

Transactions ensure that both all rows are inserted efficiently, or none are, helping keep statistics integrity.

Error Handling: Implement blunders handling mechanisms on your application to cope with capacity errors all through insertion, along with constraint violations or data validation issues.

Performance: For huge records inserts, remember the usage of bulk insert strategies or equipment furnished by way of your database gadget, as they can be greater efficient than person INSERT INTO statements.

Security: Protect your SQL queries against SQL injection attacks by means of the usage of parameterized queries or prepared statements.

SQL Insert | insert into sql

The INSERT INTO assertion is a essential SQL command that lets in you to feature new records information into database tables. Understanding its syntax and pleasant practices is essential for powerful database control. By following those hints, you could make sure the accuracy and integrity of the facts you insert into your database tables whilst minimizing ability mistakes and safety risks.

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