How To Create CSR file in IIS | Step by Step Guide

Create CSR

Steps to create CSR file in IIS

CSR is Certificate Signing Request which is given to Certificate Authorities or SSL Vendor for Creating SSL Certificate

Generate CSR file

While creating CSR complete certificate Request in IIS Internet Information Services Common name is important, we can identify CSR based on Common name i.e Domain Based , IP based, Wildcard etc. If you want Domain Based SSL then common name while creating CSR should be like (*.Domain_name) e.g. *

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What is CSR in IIS

CSR is Certificate Signing Request that can be provided to Certificate Authority to Generate SSL certificate or to Generate PFX files.

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Let’s see the Steps by step guide on how to generate CSR file in IIS

Create CSR in IIS

Steps to Generate CSR file in IIS

below steps explains how to Create or Generate CSR file using IIS manager

Step by step Guide for Create CSR in IIS

Step 1.  Type IIS in windows search and click on IIS Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

open iis manager

Step 2. Click on Application and then double click on Server Certificates

double click on server certificates

Step 3. Click on Create Certificate Request to create new CSR file

create certificate request

Step 4. Specify the required information for certificate like Common name, Organization, Organization unit, City, State and Region

Common name should be provided on what type of your certificate is , if you want Domain based wild card SSL certificate then common name should be  *.domain_name for example “*” or in general you can provide any common name.

After filling all required details click on Next Button.

specify info for cert

Step 5. Select a Cryptographic service provider and bit length here we have choosen Cryptographic service provider = ’ Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider’ and Bit Length =’2048 bit’ then click on Next Button.

cryptographic service provider

Step 6.  Specify the name and path for Certificate request this information can be sent to certification authorities for signing and click Finish, your file will be stored in specified path with your given name and .CSR extention.

csr export path and name

These are the Steps To Create CSR file using IIS.

Your CSR file will be exported in given path. here i have given D:/SSl Certificate\filename.csr

you can provide path to export CS file as per your requirement..


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